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Adelaide-based software specialist Alltraders has defied economic gloom as record demand for its Joomla-based website development encouraged it to kick off full-time operations last month with an inital head count of seven.

The Alltraders website business was bought two years ago by State Web Services Pty Ltd, owned by Michael O'Loughlin and Ben Horner, who have operated it as a part-time business since then.

Alltraders is a website hositing business that also develops sites for its customers. State Web Services also provides specialist software development services for corporate organisations.

After redesigning Alltraders' original bespoke content management system with the open source-based Joomla CMS, the business has reported record demand for its innotivative and easy-to-manage websites. 

For more informaiton about Alltraders, visit www.alltraders.com .

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