Adelaide security specialist Vision Security Services is experiencing strong demand for its Internet Protocol-based video door monitoring system from Mobotix.
Vision Security managing director John Convill said the Mobotix IP Video Door Station was hitting the market very well overseas and producing strong domestic interest.
“Door stations with integrated cameras have been around for years, but they’re almost always based on analogue TV technology that is over 60 years old. Because of that, they can only deliver very low image quality, with limited two-way communication. They’re also expensive to install because they needs a complex cabling and power supply system.
“By contrast, the Mobotix T24 IP Video Door Station is based on the international VoIP/SIP video telephony standard. When the doorbell rings, a connection is established with an IP video phone or a standard computer via the network. This means that, from anywhere in the world, you can conduct video conversations with visitors at your door or open the door remotely.
“Vision Security has already installed this Mobotix system for one client that has it integrated into their IP phone system. The IP Door Station also appears on their PCs, giving them the ability to open the door using software while they’re at their desks or even remotely.”
Founded in 2002, Vision Security Services is a privately owned company that specialises in providing home and business surveillance services throughout the Adelaide metropolitan area. Vision Security Services is an award-winning Mobotix Certified Partner in South Australia. During the past four years, Mr. Convill has increasingly adopted IP (Internet Protocol) based technology to reduce the cost and increase the effectiveness of the monitoring systems he uses to protect premises.
For more about the Mobotix IP Video Door Station, visit
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