Outspoken telecoms journalist Renai LeMay explains what he really thinks about John Harris after TPG gave Impress Media the flick.
TPG appears to have dumped one of the longest-standing public faces associated with national broadband provider Internode and its parent iiNet, with South Australia-based technology public relations agent John Harris becoming the latest individual to part ways with the group following the TPG acquisition.
Harris is the managing director of South Australian-based Impress Media. The company was hired by Internode around the year 2000 when the fellow South Australian company started deploying its broadband network around Australia, installing ADSL equipment in Telstra exchanges and expanding beyond its Adelaide roots.
Read Renai's full report and analysis at http://delimiter.com.au/2015/09/02/tpg-dumps-internode-pr-after-15-years/
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