Moxitek founder Raaj MenonVeteran technology entrepreneur Raaj Menon has launched Moxitech, a startup software firm that aims to deliver the benefits of the connected world to even the smallest business.

Drawing on a team of more 100 software developers, graphic designers and marketing professionals, Moxitek develops applications, websites and online services without a scary price tag. Other services include search engine optimisation, mobile app development, video marketing, press releases and infographic design.

Raaj Menon said he had set up Moxitek to help businesses take the daunting leap across the digital divide. “We all use the Internet today, but many small and even large businesses are struggling to take full advantage of it,” he said.

“We’ve put together a talented team that is up to date on all industry trends, so we can offer technical expertise about what is needed for businesses, both today and tomorrow.”

Raaj Menon has a wealth of business experience from the US where he launched gaming company Megamedia in the late 1990s before moving to Australia. His importing company, PCRange, was one of the major suppliers of routers for the broadband revolution in Australia for the 15 years he ran it.

Mr. Menon said Moxitek aimed to partner with its customers. “We are a tailored business,” he said.

“Rather than one-size-fits-all, we let you choose from our full range of services those that will make your business run better. Over time, we expect customers will experiment with the wide range of services we offer, but always in their timeframe.”

If you have any questions, please email To learn more about Moxitek services, visit

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