Australian IT firm Igatech Consulting has changed its trading name to A-DB Group as a result of its integration with AcknowledgeDB since the start of this year.

Effective July 1 this year, the name change signifies the beginning of the last step in bringing the two companies together as both companies now trade as A-DB Group.

The main benefit for clients and partners is access to a larger pool of consultants and a greater depth in the skills base. The Adelaide sales team includes Defence Business Development Manager Gordon Brimble, Commercial Business Development Manager Stuart Whittet and Education Manager Kajal Thacker. Contact details are:

  • Adelaide Office:  Level3, 86 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000 | Ph 61-8 8232 9622

  • Brisbane Office:  P.O. Box 3385, South Brisbane, QLD, 4101 | Ph 61-7 3010 7800 

  • Email | Web  

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