
CitrusAd is the world-leading, white-label, self-serve, ecommerce ad-serving platform that enables retailers to monetize their digital shelf-space while enabling brands to increase sales by launching targeted and cost-effective digital campaigns into retailer websites. Since it was launched in 2017, CitrusAd powers the fastest growing ecommerce ad network in the USA and has become the global, retail industry’s preferred ad-serving platform, service and retail media sales organization. Successful retailers, in all verticals across 25 countries are leveraging the CitrusAd platform and real-time relevancy engine to create a more personalized shopping experience and deliver greater ROI for suppliers. For more information, visit

Brad Moran Citrus square white WCitrus co-founder and CEO Brad Moran

Major retailers globally are deploying the Australian-developed Citrus eCommerce advertising platform to grab a greater share of the online advertising revenue dominated by companies such as Amazon, Google and Facebook.

Tier one retailers in the US, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Australia have launched the Citrus eCommerce ad platform, delivering extraordinary growth for an Australian tech company that launched the first retailers on its platform just 18 months ago.

Brisbane-based Citrus has won business from leading international retailers such as online supermarket Ocado in the UK, global retail media sales & technology company Triad, technology distributor TechData in Europe and a leading Asian online fashion retailer. Citrus is working with 20 major retailers in 11 countries and across seven different industry verticals accounting for over 1.3bn page views per month.

Citrus has also continued its success in Australia by deploying its retailer advertising platform for national supermarket group Coles

Citrus CEO Brad Moran said Citrus equipped eCommerce retailers with the technology to challenge US tech companies such as Amazon, Facebook and Google that have dominated the online advertising space to date. “Citrus is an eCommerce advertising platform designed from day one to empower retailers with the most targeted digital advertising system in the world for their suppliers, both big and small, to utilise,” he said.

Citrus co founders L R Mohammad Alinia Brad Moran and Nick Paech WCitrus co-founders (left-right) CTO Mohammad Alinia, CEO Brad Moran and CMO Nick Paech

Brisbane-based technology company Citrus is winning both global and tier one Australian retailers such as Dan Murphy’s to its online advertising platform which boosts web sales and keeps revenues in the local economy.

Led by CEO Brad Moran, Citrus provides online retailers and their suppliers a digital advertising tool similar in nature to Amazon’s advertising network that increases product sales from websites while retaining advertising revenues within the Australian retail ecosystem rather than losing it offshore.

Citrus equips retailers to create a new revenue stream and monetise their digital real estate by allowing suppliers to target customers by bidding in a live auction for prime product positioning and banner advertising on retail websites. The innovative Citrus real-time relevancy engine gives consumers a more personalised shopping experience by letting suppliers more accurately predict and satisfy their preferences through prime ad positions and banner placement at the online point of purchase.